UV254 Manuals

Device manuals found below are written to ensure our products produce accurate and reliable measurements, for UV results and known surrogates. Set up and calibration guides as well as user walkthroughs are contained within the manuals below.

The calibration process involves establishing a correlation between the UV254 measurement and the concentration of a specific surrogate parameter, such as total organic carbon (TOC)  biochemical oxygen demand (BOD), chemical oxygen demand (COD) and others. Some surrogate measurements will require external equipment to get know BOD, COD or TOC results, if you have questions about calibration equipment, please contact our team for advice on this.

Please select the relevant manual from the list above to access the detailed instructions for setting up, calibrating, and utilizing our UV254 devices effectively. If the manual you require is not listed, kindly reach out to us, and we will be happy to provide you with a copy.

UV254 Sensor Manual

UV254 Accuracy and measurement range 


Lisburn BT28 2GN, GB

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